Friday, June 18, 2010

Race Day Events June Aquathon 2010

Weather: About 75 and sunny
Time: 7:00 p.m.
Water: warm with a little chop

About 140 people showed up for this once per month aquathon at Warner Park. I tried to get behind a few fast swimmers at the start to draft. I lost the leaders right after the start but settled in behind a few others. Swimming to the first buoy was a little choppy but not bad-especially if you just follow the bubbles in front of you and don't lift your head up. The first section was also pretty crowded with people bumping each other and fighting for position. After making the first left we started to string out single file and the rest of the swim was uneventful. There was a nice push on the way in with the waves coming from behind. I didn't know how far off the lead I was and got out with about 3 other swimmers-turns out we were about 1 min of the lead.

My transition was fast-and I passed the swimmers I drafted. Headed out onto the run course. Course is mostly flat (one hill about 1/2 mile from finish that hurts a little). Got passed early on the run by UW tri guy and couldn't stay with him. Managed to hold off another UW guy and another runner and maintain my place. Ended up finishing 7th of 140 or so. It was a good and fun way to spend a Thursday night here in Madison. Congrats to all racers.

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